Category Archives: 書籍介紹

書介 Puzzling The Parables Of Jesus: Methods and Interpretation

這本書可算是近代卓越耶穌比喻研究的作品。 作者Ruben Zimmermann是德國的學者, 在眾多的學生和教授同工的要求下, 寫了這本英文的作品, 相信可以成為現時有關 “耶穌比喻”研究極具參考價值的書。他討論了所有的詮釋歷史上有關的研究, 並簡要地評論了許多重要學者所採取的立場和詮釋方法的優缺點, 作者用了很篇幅簡要評論所有重要耶喻比喻研究的學者, 甚至有最近的 Luise Schottroff, Amy-Jill Levine, Arland J. Hultgren, Mary Ann Beavis, John D. Crossan , Klyne Snodgrass 等。作者也從文學、歷史、神學等,整合了一個四個步驟的詮釋方法, 然後, 他以四個耶穌的比喻詳盡地以這個詮釋方法作出示範。 繼續閱讀

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書介: Recent Research on Revelation

啟示錄應該用歷史工具去分析或是從文學體裁的角度去理解呢? 啟示錄的詮釋好像是個謎,歷來的學者都試過用不同的方式去詮釋啟示錄,近代的發展重視啟示錄意識形態的取向,給人有一個新的詮釋空間。這書是作者Russell S. Morton所寫,內容是主要是討論近代學者對啟示錄的解釋方法。 繼續閱讀

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Review: Paul And His Recent Interpreters, N T Wright, 2015

  作者N T Wright以十個神學主題的脈動(movements) … 繼續閱讀

張貼在 其他, 書籍介紹, 保羅神學 | 標記 , | Review: Paul And His Recent Interpreters, N T Wright, 2015 已關閉迴響。

Review of David A. Lamb, Text, Context and The Johannine Community: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Johannine Writings, London: T&T Clark, 2014.

David A. Lamb offers a fascinating look at the interactions of scholars and other dynamic studies of the Johannine Community, depicted by some scholars as a sectarian group, opposed both to wider Jewish society and other Christian groups. Lamb utilizes the modern sociolinguistic theory to argue whether there was a sectarian community. He has selected some texts from the John writings to determine whether it is a sectarian community behind the texts. He has examined the sociolinguistic approach working to the relationship between text and their context of culture and situation. He conclusively speculates that it is a loose network among them rather than a specific closed community or School. 繼續閱讀

張貼在 New Testament, 其他, 書籍介紹 | 標記 , , | Review of David A. Lamb, Text, Context and The Johannine Community: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Johannine Writings, London: T&T Clark, 2014. 已關閉迴響。

Review of Peter In Early Christianity

Review of Peter In Early Christianity, ( … 繼續閱讀

張貼在 其他, 書籍介紹 | 標記 , , | Review of Peter In Early Christianity 已關閉迴響。